Jessi Eden Brown, MS, LMHC, LPC, NCC — The WBI Coach
Jessi, a licensed therapist, brings over 20 years of counseling and teaching experience, with specialized training in workplace bullying and trauma, to provide telephone coaching and professional guidance to bullied targets. She can offer you emotional support and customized strategies to effectively address your workplace bullying situation too. Let her compassion and expert advice help guide you.
She joined WBI in 2009 and currently operates a private practice in Seattle.
Jessi has coached thousands of individuals throughout the United States and Canada. She is known internationally and has worked with targets of workplace bullying in China, Sweden, Indonesia, Croatia, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, India, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, and the United Kingdom.
If you would like to learn more about Jessi Brown’s work as a therapist, visit her private practice website. Residents of Washington and Colorado are welcome to contact Jessi through her private practice to explore counseling services.
Notice: Professional Coaching by telephone is not a substitute for seeking counseling services from a local mental health provider; you are not entering into a formal therapeutic relationship by utilizing our coaching services.
Now offering collaborative Letter/Documentation Writing Assistance for clients and non-clients. See the details.
Scheduling & Fees
APPOINTMENTS: Coaching sessions are offered Mondays through Thursdays. Schedule an appointment with Jessi directly through her secure, HIPAA-compliant online scheduling system. If you have specific questions about her coaching services, you can contact Jessi by email or via her website.
Schedule a Coaching Session
RATE: $95 (USD) for 30 min.; $145 for 60 min. individual session; or $175 for 60 min. to include one spouse/partner/colleague.
Payment is accepted by PayPal in advance, or by credit card at the time of your call.
If you prefer PayPal, visit the Payments section of Jessi’s Website. If you pay before you confirm a time date/time with her, please be sure to email Jessi Brown or call 206.735.7071 to schedule your appointment.

“You are phenomenal! What a godsend. You have no idea how inspiring you are. I am definitely not at my best these days, but I could feel that you understand the reasons for this so very well, and your warmth and understanding helped me not to be so nervous … I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to listen to me and also for believing in me … you have helped to affirm that I am on the right path … thank you, thank you, and thank you again!”
“Thank you so much for our session today. I learned a great deal and feel like I can finally stop reeling from the shock and injustice of all of this and get my life back on track. One thing that helped me so much is that you didn’t “discourage” me from wanting some justice for my unfair treatment. You didn’t think I was crazy for being angry! You even gave me some good ideas for how to fight back! I am SO TIRED of people telling me to “just get over it” when they don’t really know what they are talking about AND they are NOT me…You were able to combine the best of both worlds for me in a way that I didn’t see for myself. Thank you!”
“Thank you for this information and for the consultation, which has been of enormous assistance to me. You helped me validate my experience and confirm that my situation is indeed very serious, that I am not crazy or making a mountain out of a molehill. And it’s not my fault…Now, I’m going to fight this but I will do it from a safe place and, thanks to you, I’m going there with my head held high, my dignity intact and not telling myself I’m a quitter…Thank you ever so much again for your compassion, which has enlightened and empowered me.”
“I just wanted to thank you for your phone call this morning. The greatest help is having someone to talk to who understands the problem and doesn’t just dismiss you as being weak or emotional…I just want you to know I think you do incredibly valuable work. I appreciate you and Dr. Namie and the resources you provide. I hope our paths will cross again someday, preferably under more positive circumstances!”
“I wanted you to know that you were so helpful to me through or one or two counseling sessions last year. As, of course you know, no matter how tough you think you are, “bullying” especially when it is disguised in a nursing/hospital environment is so incredibly demoralizing. I’ve always thought of myself as a strong person, but I was really tested last year. Besides talking to you, one of the best things about WBI was reading about “who becomes a target.” It made me feel less crazy.”
“Thank you very much, Jessi. It was tremendously helpful talking to you and knowing that there are support resources out there. I plan to look at all of these resources. Thanks for putting all of it together.”
“You are so kind. A real blessing to me…Thanks for all of the great info!”
“Thank you, Jessi. Your words comfort me. It’s good to know that there is someone who truly understands the situation I am in.”
“You are so kind. A real blessing to me…Thanks for all of the great info!”