Transforming Unions into Anti-Bullying Champions
Together, we can help bullied Members
I’m Dr. Gary Namie, director of the Workplace Bullying Institute. My expertise is drawn from over a quarter-century immersion in workplace bullying, as one of the U.S. pioneers.
My Union experience began as a Pennsylvania steelworker. I am Union to the core. I’m a member of the National Writers Union.

I despise abusive bullying that is considered an acceptable “management style.” Those toxic employers destroy Members’ health by inflicting stress-related diseases and emotional injuries. It is unconscionable.
Unions are the only employee advocates, not employers, not HR. If Unions don’t act to stop bullying, who will?
I challenge Unions to condemn, not to condone bullying. Do not give employers permission to to abuse your Members without risk of consequences. Condemnation is the only moral choice for Unions.

What is Workplace Bullying University®? Let me explain.
Principled, authentic Union advocates have partnered with WBI for two decades. I help Unions who want to help their Members. Let’s work together to combat workplace bullying.

A Union That Became Anti-Bullying Champions

In contrast to the indifference too many unions show towards bullying of its members, MAPE (Minnesota Association of Professional Employees) is the model of compassion and action. In this video, Kathy Fodness, the Business Agent who led the internal campaign, and Alice Percy, a state worker who served on the initial MAPE Task Force, describe what MAPE did — from discovery, to purging toxic managers, to surveying members, to creating an elaborate member education toolkit, to using a legislator to compel the State as employer to collaboratively create the first policy for all state workers, and sustaining the fight for the psychological safety of MAPE members. A must-hear lesson for all union members who deserve similar service from their unions. Demand your union do the same!
Workplace Bullying University® for Unions

Workplace Bullying University® For Unions
is delivered on a USB thumb drive.
94 GB of information!
Immersive, Evidence-Based Education for the Designated Team
THE WORKPLACE BULLYING UNIVERSITY® program. Entire set of 600+ slides in original Keynote for Mac, PPTX and PDF formats (Union is licensed to customize content for internal use); Entire Narrated Program (14 modules, 17 hrs.); Narrated Film Clips (54 min.)
Action Plan for Unions
Narrated module detailing 8 steps any union can take to combat bullying (60 min.)
Supplementary Union-Only Training
Nat’l Panel of Union Reps on Workplace Bullying; Strategies from veterans of the bullying wars; the MAPE story.
Train the Team
Launching Team Operations & Key Skills Training (126 min.)
Education Support Material
Hundreds of hours of Audio/Video clips illustrating the phenomenon; Tutorial podcasts & interviews with experts; Four complete documentaries on related topics; Audio series on dealing with Narcissists; Targets telling their stories
The WBI Research Library
A curated collection of over 900 academic journal articles & book chapters upon which theUniversity program is based. To use in grievances, arbitrations & litigation.
Dr. Namie’s Intro to Workplace Bullying Module (88 min.)
Offered as a model for viewing by all members.
Mentorship for the Trained Team by Dr. Gary Namie
Live, interactive remote sessions to ensure all questions are answered

Said about the University for Unions program …
“The entertainment industry—with its excessive overtime scheduling, last-minute changes, ego-influenced decision-making, nepotism, etc.—is a hotbed of workplace abuse. Our Workplace Empowerment Committee, within Motion Picture Costumers Local 705, knew something needed to be done, yet we were unsure where to start. Workplace Bullying University for Unions confirmed for us that bullying IS real, and it is devastating, AND that there are solutions. Dr. Namie has been an informed, kind, right-there-when-we-need-him guide and mentor to our local. We sometimes almost feel like he’s a member of our union, because of his keen ability to listen to our members’ histories and pinpoint the situations that make us vulnerable; and the steps that we can take to reduce the power that bullies exert over Targets. Gary’s compassion and understanding of what Targets live through, and his continuing support have been an invaluable resource for us.” The Workplace Empowerment Committee of Motion Picture Costumers IATSE Local 705
“Without exaggeration, University is the best training I have attended in my 23 years as a both a union attorney and union representative. While Dr. Namie’s knowledge of workplace bullying is encyclopedic, he is able to present this information with incredible clarity and passion. This is a graduate level course and, at the end of it, a union, legal or health professional will be well prepared and have the material resources to provide help to targets of workplace bullying as well to present to interested groups.” Eric F.
“Gary is brilliant, charismatic and thoughtful. He keeps the group connected through his experiences and knowledge. I’ve received training on many workplace issues. Finally I now have the tools to address one of the most rampant and harmful workplace problems of all bullying. I’m grateful to have the tools to achieve a psychologically healthy and safe workplace!” Denise M.
“Dr. Gary Namie the legendary bully busting sensei talks about the elephant in the room, the chronic daily abuse of workers around the globe. As a key brainchild of the USA anti-bully movement his material is such high value I have taken his course twice. Dr. Namie offers solutions to remedy the toxic federal workplace during his incredible fast paced university style presentation. Federal bullies and Academy ring knockers are on NOTICE by Dr. Namie the party is over. Drs. Gary and Ruth Namie lifelong labor of love is something we can all benefit from. Their legacy will be a workplace that is less hurtful, and with more bully targets that are empowered.” John G.

Mary Kay Henry, Former SEIU International President.
But in case you’re not entirely convinced that workplace bullying is a problem for your
people, here’s someone worth listening to:
If one member is hurting, all are hurting.
Members have endured outrageous misconduct for months in silence. They suffer from stress-related diseases. They’re being dehumanized, and few believe them.
You may be tempted to believe it’s uncommon among your members, but the numbers suggest something otherwise. The most recent U.S. survey shows that 30% of employees are impacted. Thirty percent!
Our Union experts tell us that abusive bullying is by far the most frequent and challenging problem Reps and Stewards face.
Are you effectively advocating for members experiencing workplace bullying? Partner with WBI to make a difference.