Some Trump cultists decry his uncivil tweets. But just when you think they are being reasonable, they add: “but I like his policies!”  Which ones? Can they name any?

Trump boasts of judges and DE-REGULATION. The judges get all the attention as his and McConnell’s crowning achievement, but de-regulations are killing the earth and those of us who would care to live in it.

From the New York Times

All told, the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks could significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade and lead to thousands of extra deaths from poor air quality each year, according to energy and legal analysts.

The current administration has 72 completed rollbacks of environmental policies and regulations with another 27 in progress.

Here’s the tally of rollbacks.

Environmental rollbacks by Trump
White Spacer

The destruction of the environment is accomplished primarily through the EPA and Interior Department. Many rules were promulgated by the Obama administration; while others have long standing as acts of Congress passed years ago.

Corporations have a friend in Trump and the federal agency heads he has named.

Trump’s EPA is headed by Andrew Wheeler, a former coal industry lobbyist, who according to the Union of Concerned Scientists has disempowered EPA scientists, gutted the coal ash rule, recommended unsafe level of contaminants in drinking water, rolled back the Clean Water Act, hidden a report on formaldehyde, refused to ban asbestos, allowed mercury emissions and rescinded the Clean Power Plan.

Interior Secretary is David Bernhardt, ridden with conflicts of interest as lobbyist for water utilities and the oil and gas industry, has led the push to offer federal offshore leases to drill for oil (to companies he knew, 73%) where drilling had been previously forbidden. In addition, he allowed Trump to use Lincoln Memorial interior for a Fox News interview site. Effective day 1 on the job, the Inspector General began investigating his multiple conflicts of interest.