Train a Team of Union Experts
in Workplace Bullying

Key Team Functions
• Respond to members’ emotional crises
• Provide ongoing support to members
• Educate all members
• Advocate for CBA & organizing advances
The Union Team Training Process
- After completing University training, the Team watches the Team Training module. The gathering, whether in-person or done remotely, must include all Team members. The training module covers: (1) requisite Skills to serve distressed colleagues (how to triage emotional states, listening, clarification, validation), and (2) team Operations — communicating with colleagues, members’ roles, team development, team continuity, and future services.
- The final step is for Team Members to identify who will fulfill which roles. This is a partial list of roles and functions:
- Receiving & triaging incoming calls from members — the Crisis Response/Mental Health First Aid phase of Team services. This is the hardest job.
- Evidence-based coaching strategies for individuals
- Restorative health-focused activities for abuse victims, offenders, witnessing coworkers
- Training & Education for members with custom programs derived from the University® program
- Creating an intranet education program for passive knowledge transfer, at members-only site
- Identification of, and vetting trauma-informed mental health professionals for referrals
- Integration of the anti-bullying principles into CBA negotiations and organizing activities
Education & Integration
- Education for all employees. The Team will create training for the union based on the resources contained in Workplace Bullying University® for Unions. It will be a customized set of presentations. The focus is twofold — to expedite recognition of toxic factors and to promote preventive tactics for rank-in-file members, reps, stewards, and officers. Purchasing unions are licensed to adapt the materials to the specific needs of their employees at all levels. Included in the program for Unions is an 88 min. Introductory video produced by WBI suitable for use by any organization.
- Because the Team is created to provide ongoing emotional and educational support to union members, WBI supports Teams by providing ongoing access to Dr. Namie as mentor. Subsequent questions are answered. Unanticipated obstacles are overcome with his guidance. We want teams to succeed.
- Integration of psychological and psychosocial safety principles into union activities — contract negotiations, organizing drives to recruit new members, and inclusion in internal codes of conduct or changes in a local’s constitution.

Team Training is included with the purchase of Workplace Bullying University® for Unions.